Type Alias VoltrAdaptor

VoltrAdaptor: {
    accounts: [
            discriminator: [174, 110, 39, 119, 82, 106, 169, 102];
            name: "strategy";
            discriminator: [116, 9, 73, 37, 73, 192, 63, 215];
            name: "vaultStrategy";
    address: "3BufioDyECNwuFJLRGCXNbZFrsnJnCsALMfDKjQEnk8x";
    errors: [
        { code: 6000; msg: "Invalid amount provided."; name: "invalidAmount" },
        { code: 6001; msg: "Invalid account owner."; name: "invalidAccountOwner" },
        { code: 6002; msg: "Already initialized."; name: "alreadyInitialized" },
        { code: 6003; msg: "Invalid token mint."; name: "invalidTokenMint" },
        { code: 6004; msg: "Invalid account input."; name: "invalidAccountInput" },
        { code: 6005; msg: "Not rent exempt."; name: "notRentExempt" },
        { code: 6006; msg: "Math overflow."; name: "mathOverflow" },
        { code: 6007; msg: "Kamino deposit failed."; name: "kaminoDepositFailed" },
            code: 6008;
            msg: "Kamino initialize failed.";
            name: "kaminoInitializeFailed";
            code: 6009;
            msg: "Marginfi initialize failed.";
            name: "marginfiInitializeFailed";
            code: 6010;
            msg: "Solend initialize failed.";
            name: "solendInitializeFailed";
            code: 6011;
            msg: "Invalid remaining accounts.";
            name: "invalidRemainingAccounts";
    instructions: [
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "admin"; signer: true },
                { name: "counterpartyAssetTa"; writable: true },
                    name: "strategy";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [115, 116, 114, 97, 116, 101, 103, 121] },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "counterpartyAssetTa" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "protocolProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "strategyType"; type: { defined: { name: "strategyType" } } },
            discriminator: [152, 160, 107, 148, 245, 190, 127, 224];
            name: "createStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "vaultStrategy";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "counterpartyAssetTa"; writable: true },
                { name: "protocolProgram" },
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
            args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }];
            discriminator: [242, 35, 198, 137, 82, 225, 242, 182];
            name: "deposit";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "vaultStrategy";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "protocolProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [175, 175, 109, 31, 13, 152, 155, 237];
            name: "initialize";
            accounts: [
                { name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "vaultStrategy";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "counterpartyAssetTa"; writable: true },
                { name: "counterpartyAssetTaAuth"; writable: true },
                { name: "protocolProgram" },
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
            args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }];
            discriminator: [183, 18, 70, 156, 148, 109, 161, 34];
            name: "withdraw";
    metadata: {
        description: "Created with Anchor";
        name: "voltrAdaptor";
        spec: "0.1.0";
        version: "0.1.0";
    types: [
            name: "strategy";
            type: {
                fields: [
                    { name: "counterpartyAssetTa"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "protocolProgram"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "strategyType"; type: { defined: { name: "strategyType" } } },
                kind: "struct";
            name: "strategyType";
            type: {
                kind: "enum";
                variants: [
                    { name: "solend" },
                    { name: "drift" },
                    { name: "marginfi" },
                    { name: "kamino" },
            name: "vaultStrategy";
            type: {
                fields: [
                    { name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "strategy"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "currentAmount"; type: "u64" },
                kind: "struct";

Program IDL in camelCase format in order to be used in JS/TS.

Note that this is only a type helper and is not the actual IDL. The original IDL can be found at target/idl/voltr_adaptor.json.

Type declaration

  • accounts: [
            discriminator: [174, 110, 39, 119, 82, 106, 169, 102];
            name: "strategy";
            discriminator: [116, 9, 73, 37, 73, 192, 63, 215];
            name: "vaultStrategy";
  • address: "3BufioDyECNwuFJLRGCXNbZFrsnJnCsALMfDKjQEnk8x"
  • errors: [
        { code: 6000; msg: "Invalid amount provided."; name: "invalidAmount" },
        { code: 6001; msg: "Invalid account owner."; name: "invalidAccountOwner" },
        { code: 6002; msg: "Already initialized."; name: "alreadyInitialized" },
        { code: 6003; msg: "Invalid token mint."; name: "invalidTokenMint" },
        { code: 6004; msg: "Invalid account input."; name: "invalidAccountInput" },
        { code: 6005; msg: "Not rent exempt."; name: "notRentExempt" },
        { code: 6006; msg: "Math overflow."; name: "mathOverflow" },
        { code: 6007; msg: "Kamino deposit failed."; name: "kaminoDepositFailed" },
            code: 6008;
            msg: "Kamino initialize failed.";
            name: "kaminoInitializeFailed";
            code: 6009;
            msg: "Marginfi initialize failed.";
            name: "marginfiInitializeFailed";
            code: 6010;
            msg: "Solend initialize failed.";
            name: "solendInitializeFailed";
            code: 6011;
            msg: "Invalid remaining accounts.";
            name: "invalidRemainingAccounts";
  • instructions: [
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "admin"; signer: true },
                { name: "counterpartyAssetTa"; writable: true },
                    name: "strategy";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [115, 116, 114, 97, 116, 101, 103, 121] },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "counterpartyAssetTa" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "protocolProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "strategyType"; type: { defined: { name: "strategyType" } } },
            discriminator: [152, 160, 107, 148, 245, 190, 127, 224];
            name: "createStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "vaultStrategy";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "counterpartyAssetTa"; writable: true },
                { name: "protocolProgram" },
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
            args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }];
            discriminator: [242, 35, 198, 137, 82, 225, 242, 182];
            name: "deposit";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "vaultStrategy";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "protocolProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [175, 175, 109, 31, 13, 152, 155, 237];
            name: "initialize";
            accounts: [
                { name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "vaultStrategy";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "counterpartyAssetTa"; writable: true },
                { name: "counterpartyAssetTaAuth"; writable: true },
                { name: "protocolProgram" },
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
            args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }];
            discriminator: [183, 18, 70, 156, 148, 109, 161, 34];
            name: "withdraw";
  • metadata: {
        description: "Created with Anchor";
        name: "voltrAdaptor";
        spec: "0.1.0";
        version: "0.1.0";
  • types: [
            name: "strategy";
            type: {
                fields: [
                    { name: "counterpartyAssetTa"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "protocolProgram"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "strategyType"; type: { defined: { name: "strategyType" } } },
                kind: "struct";
            name: "strategyType";
            type: {
                kind: "enum";
                variants: [
                    { name: "solend" },
                    { name: "drift" },
                    { name: "marginfi" },
                    { name: "kamino" },
            name: "vaultStrategy";
            type: {
                fields: [
                    { name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "strategy"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "currentAmount"; type: "u64" },
                kind: "struct";